
Fresh news from the Circumgalactic Medium

Fresh news from the Circumgalactic Medium


Exponente: Sebastián López
Universidad de Chile
Hora: 12:15 hrs.


Date: October 15, 12:15 (Santiago, Chile)

The Circumgalactic Medium (CGM) is the interface between the intergalactic Medium and galaxies, where baryons cycle around galaxies until they cool down and become fuel for star formation. Understanding the CGM is therefore key for understanding galaxy evolution. I will provide a brief review on the CGM at high-redshifts, ighlighting recent developments to assess its spatial and kinematic structure via gravitational-arc tomography.

Virtual room: https://uchile.zoom.us/j/81365909464?pwd=aFYva3JpSXZUYnd0Z3o2OVZ6OS9GQT09


Descargar Documento: Presentación Sebastián López

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